Mark Williamson (2004-2005)

Grace and peace to you from God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ,

While many are looking ahead at this time of year and making resolutions for things to do or not do in the coming months, we are looking back and counting all the many ways that God has blessed us this past year.

The year began with us in Wisconsin. It marked the half way point of our vicarage. We left in August with fond memories and many new experiences of working in the life of a congregation.

God’s timing, perfect as it always is, led us to another student who needed to rent his home while he went on vicarage. We are thoroughly enjoying having this house as our home. This house has also allowed us to have our older son, Jared, with us this year. It has been a great time of sharing for all of us.

Katherine definitely counts her new job as a blessing. The work environment is pleasant and the hours pass pretty quickly. It has certainly made for interesting adaptations in our home schedule but also caused everyone to pitch in and help where needed.

Mark has managed to put himself back into student mode. At this point, the toughest schedule is behind him and he is looking forward to a lighter class load in the Spring. Katherine asked that he shave his beard and he surprised her with it one day when she returned from work. We’ve all decided that we like him better with a “smooth” face.

Aaron has grown taller this past year, though not as tall as he looks in the photo (we have him standing on a stool). He has had lots of changes in his routine but has done well nevertheless. We have several new medical treatments in progress and are slowly seeing the positive results that we have hoped for. We truly thank God for the wonderful doctors that he has put in our path.

Probably the biggest blessing of this past year has been the continued support from all of you. Your notes, prayers and financial support have uplifted us countless times. It is truly awe inspiring to see how God uses each of us to continue His work. I know we have said it many times but each one of you is truly a blessing to us. We continue to keep you in our prayers as we begin another year in God’s service.

A Blessed New Year to each of you,

Mark, Katherine and Aaron Williamson

Now Serving:

Our Savior Lutheran Church
PO BOX 163
ODell, NE 68415